Email Security

Based on Check Point Research – 81% Of malicious files were distributed by email, 1 in 239 email attachments are malicious, and 1 in 415 Links in emails are malicious.

With many cyber attacks on companies beginning with a malicious email, relying on your built-in security could leave your company vulnerable to cyber criminals who are continually exploiting the number one attack vector: human nature and a lack of tight protection.

Because practically every firm uses email, and the average employee, as we all know, receives a lot of emails – emails are an efficient initial infection vector.

With over 90% of attacks starting in a malicious email, Securing your business email become a necessity for every organisation.


Spam & Malware


IP reputation filters can stop 80% of all spam mails at the door but it takes the heavy lifting of in depth and dedicated anti-spam and anti-virus solutions to analyse and catch the rest.

Email sandboxing technology emulates a user opening potentially infected files and is able to block zero-day malware and unwanted applications. Preventative solutions can rebuild potentially malicious files on the fly, with no receipt delay for your employees, serving only trusted file content.




Block suspicious and lookalike domains from impersonating known clients, customers and trusted contacts.

URL protections can check the reputation of email links before delivery and again should users click – blocking stealthy, delayed attacks that other email security can miss.

Why do I need an email security solution?

  • Email is the number 1 attack vector, with 90% of all attacks originating with a phishing email
  • The sheer volume of emails an employee receives often overburdens them, putting a low priority on security
  • Our solutions can reduce phishing email delivery by over 99% and block 30% more than standard cloud email providers native solutions
  • Our solutions can re-write and scan links in your employees emails
  • Reputational damage from a compromised mailbox can be hard to undo

We're here to help

Our solutions are tailored entirely to your requirements, get in touch to find out how we can enable your workforce.